Oban, You Son of the Sea
“Oban, You Son of the Sea”
Hi Everyone
Thank you again for all your lovely emails, the responses have
“Oban, You Son of the Sea”
Hi Everyone
Thank you again for all your lovely emails, the responses have been overwhelming. It’s so nice to hear how much you are enjoying the songs we are sending, and we are looking forward to when we will be able to perform to you all again. In the meantime we’ll keep the tracks coming…
On that note, here is another wonderful song written by Ian Chesterman, a few words from the writer himself…
Hi Folks
Here is a song that takes me back to the early 1970’s, when an Englishman and a couple of Irishmen, masquerading under the name of The Wild Geese, travelled to a small fishing port on the West Coast of Scotland. We had 2 separate weeks of gigs at the resplendently named, McTavish’s Kitchen. Watching sunsets from McCaig’s Tower, on the hill above the town, and walking, talking, and sobering up at midnight, along the quayside are just some of the memories captured in this song, written upon our return south. I hope you enjoy it. My thanks, once again, to Brian Jones for a great job of singing and performing, “Oban, You Son of The Sea”.
Ian Chesterman
To view a Jones Family version of the song visit our Facebook Page CLICK HERE
Samantha Proctor
Keeping Folk up to Date