I Remember Lonnie/Steel Driven’ Years

I Remember Lonnie/Steel Driven’ Years

Hi Everyone

Here’s another great song written by Ian Chesterman and performed by Brian

I Remember Lonnie/Steel Driven’ Years

Hi Everyone

Here’s another great song written by Ian Chesterman and performed by Brian Jones…

Hi Folks

Along with many of my contemporaries, I idolised, as a young teenager, the Irish, “King of Skiffle”, Lonnie Donegan. The music was exciting, energising, and different. My brother, Ron, being 5 years older than myself, co-founded, “The Steel Drivers Skiffle Group”, one of the many to spring up like mushrooms throughout the country, as the 1950’s  “skiffle craze” took off. In later years Ron was to fulfil one of his musical dreams when he played double bass with Lonnie and, later still, after his years with the Strawbs, turned down the opportunity to join Lonnie’s band full time. One of those, “what if” moments”, I feel!

This song is by way of my tribute, and thanks for all those years, to someone who started us off on a lifelong love of the music and its many genres. “I Remember Lonnie” in the song, but I also remember my late big brother, Ron, and his part in the “Steel Drivin’ Years”.

Ian Chesterman

Hope you enjoy.

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Samantha Proctor

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